Voting Information
Important voting and election information and dates.
While voter registration is open, you can register in-person, online, or by mail.
You can register in-person at:
The Lake County Clerk’s office, 18 N. County Street, Waukegan during weekday business hours,
The Illinois Secretary of State Driver Services Facility when there for other services,
Most municipal or township offices,
Most libraries,
Precinct committeepersons, or
Qualified civic organizations.
Find a location in our brochure, Official Places of Voter Registration or look for a poster at a municipal building, library, or deputy registrar event.
Online voter registration is available at Illinois State Board of Elections’ website (ova.elections.IL.gov) until 16 days prior to any election in Illinois.
You must provide:
Valid Illinois Driver’s License or Illinois State ID number,
Last four digits of Social Security number
Date the license or identification was issued, AND
Your birth date.
By Mail
Completed applications must be postmarked or delivered to the Lake County Clerk’s office 28 days prior to Election Day. If your identity cannot be verified or sufficient proof of identity is not provided with your application, you must vote in-person the first time and present valid identification before a ballot is issued.
Mail-In Voter Registration Form - Click here for an English Voter Registration Form to complete and print for mailing. A Spanish Voter Registration form can be found here.
Grace Period Registration
After deputy registrar and mail-in voter registration closes, Grace Period Registration is available and allows you to update your record or register for the first time.
You must:
Meet citizenship, age, and residency voter registration requirements,
Provide two forms of valid identification (Both identification documents must have current name, and one must show current physical Lake County Street address), and
Vote at the time of your registration.
Grace Period Registration is available at:
The Lake County Clerk’s office, 18 N. County Street, Waukegan during weekday business hours through Election Day.
Any early voting site when open. Use our locator tool to find a convenient early voting site or the assigned Election Day voting site serving your current address.
Voter Services
You can start the voting process right here! Learn what the requirements are to vote, where you should vote, and how to vote using optical scan voting equipment. Information regarding voting by mail, early voting, and a number of frequently asked questions are available for your review as well.
Election Calendar
Vote by Mail Ballots – UOCAVA
First day for the election authority to mail ballots to persons in the United States Service, their spouse, and/or their dependents of voting age, citizens temporarily residing outside the territorial limits of the United States and nonresident civilians.
Voter Registration Closes
Last day for voters to register by mail or with a deputy registrar. Grace period registration and voting available at the office of the election authority.
Early Voting Begins at County Clerk's Office
First day for early voting at the office of the election authority.
Voting by Mail Begins
First day for the election authority to mail an official ballot to a voter who has applied for a vote by mail ballot.
SUNDAY, MARCH 16, 2025
Online Voter Registration Closes
Last day for voters to register online with the State Board of Elections.
MONDAY, MARCH 17, 2025
Early Voting Begins County-wide
First day for early voting throughout Lake County.
Last Day to Mail Vote by Mail Ballots
Last day for the election authority to receive, by mail, an application for a vote by mail ballot and mail that ballot to the voter. (Note: 1. An earlier deadline is applicable to UOCAVA voters; 2. In-person applications are still accepted until March 31, 2025)
MONDAY, MARCH 31, 2025
Last Day for Early Voting
Last day for early voting for the 2025 Consolidated Election.
Consolidated Election Day